One to two out of ten women of reproductive age : that’s 2 to 4 million women in France
70% of patients suffer debilitating pain on a daily basis
It takes an average of 7 years to get a diagnosis
The financial cost in France: 9,5 billion euros in medical bills and indirect costs
Our vision

To propose innovative, pioneering, multidisciplinary and collaborative research projects dedicated to endometriosis in France, to fight the disease and better take care of patients
Our missions

To involve and bring together all impacted stakeholders: researchers, patients, companies, health professionals, associations, in order to build a joint strategy
Our goals

– To better understand endometriosis
– To help in the diagnosis and treatment of patients in order to reduce the disease
– To inform the scientific community, health professionals and the general public of the developments of endometriosis research.
Make a donation for research
By donating to the Fondation pour la Recherche sur l’Endométriose, you will contribute to the launch of new research projects that are necessary to understand endometriosis.
(Your donation is tax-deductible according to the current applicable rates)
Our board

Scientific Committee
Our values
Between all players involved: health professionals, researchers and patients, to foster translational research that meets the patients’ needs.
Supporting innovative and unconventional approaches in order to accelerate discoveries
Towards patients who express their pain and their questions, towards researchers and their doubts, towards professionals who don’t have all the answers.
From personal and collective interests that might jeopardize the scientific rigor of research or go against the interests of patients
Raising funds from ethical partners and financing projects chosen solely on the basis of their scientific relevance and rigor.